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     Non profit organization under Section 501.c.3 of the US Internal Revenue Code
Kipinästä Liekki – From Spark to Flame!
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  • Thursday, April 25th at 11:00 AM: Mrs. Heli Hautala will host the meeting at the Embassy of Finland. This meeting is exclusive to members with active, paid memberships. Please RSVP to Adele Hagen by April 20th. You need to carry an ID with you on arrival.

  • Tuesday, May 21st at 11:00 AM: The membership meeting will be held at Tuula Aro's home, with Esther Ghazi and Tuulikki Heidik as co-hostesses. Please RSVP by calling Tuula Aro no later than May 17th.


Grant application time has ended for 2024.

Finn Spark is committed to supporting cultural and educational causes, as well as causes for the elderly and children in both the U.S. and Finland. Our annual Christmas Bazaar fundraising event is a major contributor to the grants we offer. We welcome applications exclusively from non-profit organizations. Individual applicants are not eligible for these grants. More information is available on the Grants page.

About Finn Spark

The mission of Finn Spark, Inc. (Kipinä-Kerho) is to engage in charitable, educational, and cultural activities; to raise funds to benefit the elderly and children’s causes; and to give scholarships to educational and cultural institutions in Finland and in the United States. 

Contact us at for newsletter requests and membership information.

Finnish Christmas Bazaar 2023

Our annual Finnish Christmas Bazaar was held November 18th, 2023, from 11 am - 3 pm, at River Road Unitarian Church (RRUUC), located at 6301 River Road, Bethesda, MD. For more information please visit the Bazaar page.

A Short History of the Association

In 1949, at the inspiration of Edith Hart, a unique Finnish-American club, KIPINÄ-KERHO, was founded in Washington D.C. by a group of women born in Finland, or of Finnish descent. The purpose was to keep Finnish culture and language alive and render material assistance to their war-torn homeland. Initial efforts were directed toward collecting clothing and other necessities.  As time went on, these energetic women and their spouses turned to raising money through popular Christmas bazaars at which Finnish delicacies, glass and books, etc. were sold. 

The proceeds from this undertaking have grown steadily, and go to fund medical, educational, elderly care institutions and scholarships in the U.S. and Finland. Donations are tax deductible under Section 501(C )3 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. The Association is incorporated as FINN SPARK, Inc. We meet on average once a month. Come and join us, we speak Finnish!

Yhdistyksen lyhyt historia

Vuonna 1949, Edith Hartin innoittamana ryhmä Suomessa syntyneitä tai suomalaiset sukujuuret omaavia naisia perusti Washingtonissa ainutlaatuisen suomalais-amerikkalaisen yhdistyksen, KIPINÄ-KERHON. Tarkoituksena oli ylläpitää suomalaista kulttuuria sekä suomen kieltä ja antaa materiaalista apua heidän sodan runtelemalle kotimaalleen. Ensimmäiset ponnistukset suunnattiin vaatteiden ja muiden välttämättömyystarvikkeiden keräämiseen. Ajan mittaan nämä energiset naiset ja heidän puolisonsa ryhtyivät keräämään rahaa suosittujen joulumyyjäisten avulla; myyjäisissä oli tarjolla suomalaisia herkkuja, lasia, kirjoja jne. Tämän hankkeen tuotto on kasvanut tasaisesti ja sillä rahoitetaan lääketieteellisiä, sivistyksellisiä ja vanhustenhoitolaitoksia sekä stipendejä Yhdysvalloissa ja Suomessa. Lahjoitukset ovat verovähennyskelpoisia Yhdysvaltojen verolain 501(C)3 pykälän mukaisesti. Yhdistys on rekisteröity FINN SPARK, Inc. nimisenä. Kokoonnumme keskimäärin kerran kuussa. Tule mukaan, puhumme suomea!

Selected links:

Finn Spark on Facebook

Embassy of Finland
Embassy of Finland on X (formerly known as Twitter)
Embassy of Finland on Facebook

Finlandia Foundation National Capital Chapter (FFNCC):
Upcoming Events

Finlandia Foundation National (FFN):
Events & News

American Scandinavian Association:
Upcoming Events

Nordic Dancers of Washington, DC

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